
Tracking student progress across every class


Redesign the Oncore experience to give teachers a modern experience when tracking student progress across all their classes.
Oncore app screenshot
Oncore app landing pageOncore app screenshot


Oncore required functionality for teachers to track student progress. They needed to add students, create courses, rearrange student seating, track participation, grade assignments, and take notes on interventions.
Oncore education app


We explored new layouts for the navigation and how a user would edit basic information. Implementing modals allowed for a lightweight experience, allowing the teacher not to lose context. Utilizing bright colors and rounded colors made it feel like a fun and friendly app.
Oncore education app


The redesign allowed for scalability of courses, assignments, and students as the platform grew in its user base. With its focus on simplicity, teachers of all levels can easily use the software with no confusion.
Oncore education app
Oncore education app coursesOncore education app and grading


Oncore’s redesign allows it to become a tool that gets out of the way and allows teachers to focus on what’s important: students.